A Call for Meetups

Carlos Rodrigues
Pixels Camp
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2020


Out there, community meetups are happening all the time and making the difference, bringing people together and helping spread valuable knowledge.

Pixels Camp prides itself of being such a gathering at its core, driven by the love of technology with substantial doses of geekness, albeit on a larger scale than most. This scale leads us to believe that we can help smaller gatherings in our corner of the planet get the amount of recognition they deserve.

Last year we reached out to a few meetups that we knew about, and were close to us in some way or another, and invited them to participate in Pixels Camp by taking some stage time and planning their own sub-schedule for it. This year we want to go one step further and include other meetups that we might have not even heard about before.

So, if you’re a meetup organizer somewhere in Portugal, reach out to us at org@pixels.camp and describe your meetup and how it could become a part of Pixels Camp v4.0.

This is not what a tech meetup looks like.

We’ll be reserving one stage during the second day (Friday, March 27) for content coming from the selected meetups plus some slots in the workshops room. Stage slots are limited to 1 hour for each meetup, whereas workshops can be longer than this but no longer than 2 hours.

How you use this time is up to you. You can propose to do a discussion panel or a hands-on workshop on your subject matter, or something else entirely. It’s up to you to suggest, and up to us to listen to your suggestions. 🙂

You can also vouch for a talk or workshop submitted via our public call-for-talks process. This is also a good way to provide previous speakers at your local meetup access to a larger audience.

In return, we’ll make sure people know your meetup is involved in making what will surely be the best Pixels Camp ever. The details of how that will happen may vary depending on what you suggest, but our intention is to provide exposure, if not fortune and glory…

We’re inviting you to be #oneofus.

