Loud and Proud Challenge

Pixels Camp
Published in
1 min readOct 8, 2016


Casey Neistat - Filmmaker and YouTube personality

You’ve heard how much Pixels Camp loves GitHub but it loves YOU even more. Give some of that love back, and make yourself and others be heard LOUD!

Unleash the Neistat-esque film director in you and make a short film
about what you loved in Pixels Camp and invite others to share the same for
your camera.

Once you’re done editing your masterpiece, name the movie file like githubusername_title.ext and upload it to this folder.

We will select the best short films and play them through our channels.

Make us feel PROUD and help us close this year’s edition LOUD with a BANG!

…and yes, you get to unlock the “Loud and Proud” badge!

